The 2023-24 Spring 毕业典礼 ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, May 11, at 10:00 a.m. in the QU Football Stadium 风雨无阻.
在…的情况下 恶劣天气, the ceremony will be moved to Pepsi Arena in the 健康 and 健身中心, and degree candidates will receive an 电子邮件 and text alerting them of the location change.
Degree candidates are responsible for informing their guests and providing them with 恶劣天气 tickets to enter Pepsi Arena.
8:00 am – 4:30 pm University Bookstore Hours
11:00 a.m. 香槟早午餐 – Main Dining Room, Student Center
- Hosted by 校友 Services. All degree candidates are welcome at no cost. Guests are welcome at $10.00 /人. For more information, contact 校友 Services at 217-228-5432, ext. 3450.
2:00 p.m. Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing and 健康 Sciences Pinning
- The Crossing, 150 S. 48th (48th & 缅因州Sts.),伊利诺伊州昆西.
- For more information: http://www.brcn.edu/parents-current-students/commencement-information
5:00 p.m. Baccalaureate Mass – St. Francis Solanus Chapel, Francis Hall
- Degree candidates are to wear gowns (no caps, stoles or hoods) and sit with family. Tickets are not required. 欢迎所有人!
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. University Bookstore Hours
Merchandise will also be available at QU Stadium for purchase.
9:00 a.m. Degree Candidates line up for 毕业典礼 Procession
- QU Stadium – Baseball entrance (18th & 梧桐Sts.)
- Full academic attire must be worn.
- Assistant Marshals, Dr. Scott Luaders and Dr. David Kirchhofer, will assist you with line-up and guide you during the ceremony.
- (Severe Weather Location: Three-Court Area, HFC – enter through the west doors.)
10:00 a.m. 毕业典礼– Gates open at 9:00 a.m. 为客人
- QU Stadium, Football entrance (20th & 梧桐Sts.)
- (Severe weather location: Pepsi Arena, HFC – TICKETS REQUIRED)
- (Severe weather entrance/parking for those with disabilities: 20th & 橡树Sts.)
The ceremony will be live-streamed on the 全球赌博十大网站 Youtube Channel: www.昆西.edu/youtube
- Participation in the 毕业典礼 ceremony is dependent upon clearance by the University 注册商 following a review of the degree candidate’s academic record.
- Degree candidates must be within 2 courses of completing their undergraduate baccalaureate degree to participate in the 毕业典礼 ceremony.
- Degree candidates must apply for graduation by 3月1日.
- Degree candidates who apply after the 3月1日 deadline will be charged a late fee of $100.
- 所有的学费, 住房, 食物, 费用, 感兴趣, 图书馆的罚款, and parking tickets should be paid in full by 4月12日.
- Exit Loan Counseling for degree candidates with student loans are to be completed by 4月12日.
- 文凭 将被邮寄 during the summer to each eligible graduate at the address provided on the graduation application. 文凭 will not be distributed on stage.
- 毕业典礼 is a formal ceremony. Any degree candidate impaired by drugs or alcohol will not be permitted to participate and may be removed from the premises.
Graduation Honors are awarded to undergraduate students only.
Prior to Academic Year 2020-21, students who maintained a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.40 based on all 全球赌博十大网站 courses completed for a baccalaureate degree are eligible for graduation with honors as follows:
- 优等生3.40 to 3.54 GPA — Silver Cord
- Magna 优等生3.55 to 3.74 GPA — Gold Cord
- 最优等生.75 to 4.00 GPA — Bonaventure Medal
Beginning in Academic Year 2020-21, students who maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.60 based on all 全球赌博十大网站 courses completed for a baccalaureate degree are eligible for graduation with honors as follows:
- 优等生3.60 to 3.74 GPA — Silver Cord
- Magna 优等生3.75 to 3.89 GPA — Gold Cord
- 最优等生.90 to 4.00 GPA — Bonaventure Medal
These honors distinctions will be noted on the student’s transcript and the diploma. All graduation requirements must be completed prior to 毕业典礼 for honors to be announced at 毕业典礼.
Refer to the 学术目录, page 19, for more details.
Honor cords are worn by those who graduate with University honors, as noted above. Cords are also worn by members of academic honor societies and/or the Honors Program.
All undergraduates wear stoles that have the QU seal. Those who have completed their nursing degree through Blessing-Reiman College of Nursing and 健康 Sciences will wear a stole with both the QU and BRCN seals. Undergraduates affiliated with a Greek organization that meets academic standards for membership may wear a stole representing a fraternity or sorority.
The stoles and cords noted here are approved by the University and are the only ones allowed to be worn at 毕业典礼.
The 全球赌博十大网站 President’s Honors College promotes academic excellence through sustained critical thinking, original research, exceptional writing, and public presentation of scholarly work. Those students who have completed the President’s Honors College will be announced at 毕业典礼. Completion of the program will be noted on the student’s transcript.
Refer to the 学术目录, pages 23-24, for more details.
All degree candidates receiving an undergraduate degree must have all 服务学习 hours completed by 星期五, 5月3日. For questions contact Sara Phillips, Experiential Learning Specialist, at phillsa@昆西.edu.
- Academic apparel order information is submitted through the Graduation Application.
- All caps and gowns will be available to be picked up with 恶劣天气 tickets beginning at noon on 周一, 5月6日, in the 注册商’s Office (Francis Hall 130) during business hours. Pick-up times are:
周一 | 5月6日 | 12:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. |
Tuesday-Thursday | 5月7日到9日发生 | 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. |
星期五 | 5月10日 | 8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. |
- 点击这里 and select “全球赌博十大网站” from the list, then the graduation date (only one choice) and then your degree.
- 点击这里 to order photos taken during the 毕业典礼 ceremony from Lifetouch Photography. For more information on Lifetouch, 点击这里.
- 点击这里 to order a class ring and/or diploma frame from the University Bookstore.
- The Office of Community Relations (Francis Hall, Rm. B-37) will release a list of graduates to each graduate’s hometown newspaper.
- If you wish to opt-out of this news release OR have your graduation announcement published to another hometown/community newspaper, please contact the Office of Community Relations at communityrelations@昆西.edu.
SEVERE WEATHER INFORMATION (恶劣天气 tickets, location, etc.)
在…的情况下 恶劣天气, the ceremony will be moved indoors to Pepsi Arena in the 健康 and 健身中心. Degree candidates will receive an 电子邮件 and text alerting them of the location change.
Degree candidates are responsible for informing their guests.
- Each degree candidate planning to participate in 毕业典礼 will receive eight (8) 恶劣天气 tickets 为客人 for entry to Pepsi Arena.
- No tickets 将被邮寄. Participants may pick up 恶劣天气 tickets along with their caps and gowns in the 注册商’s Office (Francis Hall 130) beginning at noon on 周一, 5月6日, during business hours (see under “Caps and Gowns”).
- Guests without a 恶劣天气 ticket will be able to watch the ceremony in the Hall of Fame Room in the 健康 & 健身中心.
- Reserved seating in Pepsi Arena is available for those with disabilities; please contact Mary Betts in the 学术事务 Office at 217-228-5432, ext. 3300. Facilities for the Baccalaureate Mass and 毕业典礼 are handicap accessible.
- 每一个人, including infants and toddlers, must have a ticket to gain entry to the ceremony if held in Pepsi Arena.
- Some area hotels extend a special rate for families attending 毕业典礼 Weekend. Please make sure to mention QU 毕业典礼 when reserving rooms.
- For a full listing of area accommodations, visit the Quincy Area Convention and Visitors Bureau website at www.see昆西.com . 点击这里 for a listing of local establishments, including hotels, that provide QU discounts.
Questions regarding 毕业典礼 can be directed to:
注册商’s Office, 217-228-5432, ext. 3970,
电子邮件 registrar@昆西.edu
学术事务 Office, 217-228-5432, ext. 3300,
电子邮件 commencement@昆西.edu